Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year, Day 5

So after taking a long winters nap "z z z"  (not really<--- who has time for that!) I am starting 2015 fresh and new.  Actually the past few weeks has been enjoyable, rewarding and most of all relaxing.  While rejoicing with family, mixing in friends and tossing in some good ole fashion days of wearing only pj's... I can say that 2014 ended with peace and happiness.  I can only hope that the same was for all of you.

Now back to that "nap" thing.  YES..  you do need to take the TIME for it..  We all have the same 24 hours, yet it is about TIME MANAGEMENT that allows for us to take care of ourselves as well as the needs of the day, the TO DO list, if you will and all those "hundreds" of other things that we must do.  But I once heard the advice of "naps are essential" and OH how true that is.  A power nap can make the world of difference.  In attitude, GRATITUDE and overall feeling of inner strength.  We tend to work and work and work.  Whether that be a paid job outside of the home, a virtual job in the home or the task of parenting and stay at home "16 hour" job!  

So take the time to UNPLUG, SIGN OFF and RELAX.  15 min of your mind being mindless allows you to focus more on calm that will shed the light to a new you.

Happy Days are among you, open this GIFT of the" present" that we are blessed to have today and say, Thanks Be To You.

Blessings of joy,

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