Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Joy of Giving, in this Season of Receiving

Psst, Have you heard???

December 25th is coming very soon!  Just in case you are in the middle of the hustle and bustle of your To Do List and lost track of the days that seem to whiz by at this time of the year.  I have to pinch myself to the reality that Christmas Day is next week!  I have so many notes on my date book such as: finishing up work details, cleaning our home, tidying up my shopping list and adding the ribbons & bows to our gifts bags, etc.  But some of the best times I have allotted to my schedule is FAMILY, FRIENDS and FUN!  What kind of week goes on without having loved ones surround us?  

Have you ever heard the saying,  " All work and no play" ?  ewe!  I prefer the saying that goes like this... "Work hard and Play hard".  I truly believe, in keeping with our purpose in life, that no matter what we do, Do it the BEST we can.  So whatever work you are called to perform, do so with all your heart, give 100% and know that at the end of your shift, you have done well.  Go joyfully to the next step..  Could that be coming home to your children, preparing a family meal, or possibly sitting in a comfy recliner and squeezing in a 15 minute power nap.  No matter which step is next..  Do it, also, to the best of your ability.  Happy parents sets the mood for having happy children.. They too have had a long day at school and can use a release from their "job" ...Having other family members join you and take part in the meal preparation, not only gives them participation experience but also makes the responsibility from refrigerator to table to clean up spread among many versus just the one and only.  And if you are lucky enough to have a 15 minute slot to grab a power nap..  AHHH, say Thank You! and Do that step with giving it your very best!

Often times, during this season, we cram, squeeze and double up our calendars with extra activities.  We stress even more.  Then top if off with trying to shop for all the wish lists that have been handed to us .  We have ourselves traveling from store to store to get that "perfect gift" for everyone.  I, personally do not feel THAT being positive, joyful OR the direction I want to follow nor teach our children.  Finding peace and harmony during this season is more like it.   So how to do this?  EASY!!... the JOY of GIVING, is realizing that it is not the amount you spend or the total number of gifts you buy.  Christmas presents should not be a stress or put you in debt.  December 25th is truly a Season of RECEIVING .  Here is part one:
so let's try stepping outside of the commercialized box. By doing so, here are some examples:

Keep local small business at the forefront of your purchases.  Give a gift card for:  a massage, nail or hair care service, car detailing, a house keeper for a month, a product from their favorite direct sales representative or a paid meal to a small family owned diner.  This form of gift, not only helps small companies thrive, but it also allows treats to our loved ones, by thinking outside of the commercial "box".  Think of this as some ideas in the Joy of Giving..  

In this Season of Receiving... I do not mean the pretty wrapped boxes..  I am referring to the world receiving of the birth of Christ.  December 25th is much deeper and more than the hustle and bustle that TV ads and people have made it on the surface.  December 25th is and has been our greatest gift, from our loving and giving God!  WHO can top that?  So allow yourself the Joys of Giving but savor this Season with the Receiving of Jesus as the gift that gives and gives.

May you be blessed each and everyday with life's simple pleasures, through Jesus

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