Who says that there is a certain day of the year that we need to plan for all these grand changes to take place in our lives? Typically, folks tend to make all these ideas for the NEW YEAR. New SCHEDULES, new SELF IMAGE, new GOALS, new PRIORITIES, new JOBS, etc. Whoever started this ideal (which I could do the research and find out, but why?) had it all wrong! Why does one bursting moment of the calendar change have to be THE MOMENT to think about our lives? Isn't your life valuable EACH and EVERY moment? If you have not thought of this quite to this depth, then I encourage you to do so NOW.
Our lives, our moments and our daily grind is a gift. Once that moment leaves, it is the past and we can not get it back. All those curves, hills, valleys, twists and plateaus, (that are sometimes quite difficult to handle)....are PERFECT! Perfect in the way that it shapes us, teaches us, changes us and allow us to grow. We may not see it at the time, but truly when we surrender and learn from these pasts, we have everything to gain. Now, that does NOT mean that we will have no pain, no valleys and no more curves in the opposite direction which we THINK we need to be traveling. No no no. But in the end people ALWAYS say.... if I only knew THEN....what I know NOW... Have you ever heard that saying?
Let's take a look at some events and see if anything rings a bell.
1. I want this house SOOO BADLY, BUT.... then later you find the perfect HOME that fits the path that your life took. Remember a small HOME filled with love is so much MORE than any size HOUSE absent from the commitment of a couple sharing their love journey together.
2. I would like 3 babies.... BUT.... you were blessed with FOUR! That last bundle has a purpose! You just wait and see! ALL of those babies HAVE A PURPOSE. Male, Female, Fair or Dark, "perfect to your standards or perfect with disabilities", EACH life is precious and born for their purpose.
3. I want to WEIGH this or wear that SIZE.....BUT.... you are graced with curves and look FABULOUS! Let me point this out first and foremost....LOOKS are only skin deep! While exercising the body to your capabilities is ultimately healthy and important...giving in to social stereotypes is NOT. Who really wants to be around a beautiful - "ugly" personality of a person? NOT ME! For those numbers???... {PLEASSSSSE Modeling careers need all shapes and weights of people, from petite to plus size to sports modeling, etc, it is their own CONFIDENCE that sells them to an agent... construction workers, sports players, actors or even comedians don't let their "number" phase them, in fact they have to eat more to have the calories to burn due to their active schedules. So why do many people dislike their own body instead of accepting those things that we can not change. We can want all day and night but if we are not tall and thin or graced with muscles like a body builder even though we try try try... We simply were not meant to be that "look". Same goes for all those dieters on the lifelong roller coaster ride, what you once were...may not be what you will remain. Change of our bodies is a part of life. I beg you to see the BEAUTY that lies INSIDE yourself and beam with that positive energy instead. The image in the mirror, yes, is important but do not allow it to DEFINE you. Show the world, you are YOU because of WHO you are... not what you look like or don't look like. After all, I don't wish to be a "cookie cutter" and look like everyone else. If THAT was the plan... Don't you think we would have been made that way? Our bodies are like our minds and our traits... UNIQUE and REJOICE in the differences! (even TWINS are not identical in all ways)
4. I wish I could WORK at that place because I want to do this for my CAREER! Well guess what? We don't always get what we want. :( hey... Turn the frown upside down and SMILE.. Something better is coming down the pike! You may not see it right then and there.. But it is COMING! You will be SO GLAD that you did not get that "other job" because there is a greater plan and a better job in store for you!
5. HE (or she) is the person for ME! I heard a story that was so dear. Get this... in college a person set up a friend on a blind date. The friend knew of the checklist of yes' and no's but there was ONE problem with the blind date that fell on the NO WAY list. It was his NAME.. Now, his name is not a odd or strange or weird or silly name... it was just a name that the friend particularity did NOT wish to call her "husband" by for a lifetime. Well guess what? The blind date went well... a second date was requested and yet another. The two who started off as strangers, became friends, married and have celebrated over 40 YEARS of life together! They have children,.. grandchildren and even great grandchildren on the way. Miles of vacations and memories of traditions throughout their lives, as well as the love that seems to be only found in fairy tale stories still lasts to this day. WHOA... and to think that this girl would have missed the boat (ummm sayYACHT!!) that carried her prince charming all because his name is George.
I find it funny (scratching my head in wonder) NO- not really... but rather... INTERESTING or honestly...SAD... just how much pressure we place upon ourselves for acceptance in this world. I truly pray for those who suffer with wanting to "fit in" or be this or that. Rather than - finding YOU... be YOU...ACCEPT YOU. If you have curly hair versus straight- it is...OK! If you have a long pointy nose- it is... OK! If you are shorter than the average male... it is... OKAY! Some folks talk with all kinds of excitement while others are very cautious to let their feelings show. Some keep us laughing and in "stitches" while there are other people who only display a distinguished side. All that is OK- as long as YOU are BEING YOU. Now, of course we all have rules to follow, manners to practice and a time or place for all of our personalities to come out- this is not what I am talking about.
What I am saying though, IS... if being a stay at home parent is your calling right now instead of a high paying career, then be the BEST CEO for your family! If working for a small salary plus commissions is your calling, be the BEST COMMITTED SALES PERSON for your clients! If being a girl in a so called guys world or being of color in a so called white world, makes you feel or possible are treated differently... then you show everyone the BEST OF YOU that can be!! America has an amazing amount of women who have achieved job titles and/or large salaries as well as America has an amazing amount of people of color who have done the same including our country's own elected leader! He of all, can show us that if we apply ourselves and have dreams and work for our goals, WE are CAPABLE of that "success" that we seek. Don't allow your gender OR your color OR your differences make you feel that you are not capable of ACHIEVING the same as someone else! Again... WE ALL HAVE A PURPOSE!
Not everyone has the skills or even desires to be the one "on top" however... it is IMPERATIVE for us to be ALL THAT WE CAN be in our own job, whatever that is. You never know when someone may see your great spirit, excellent work ethic and truest sense of confidence that will open doors to paths of your dreams. I could never envision myself as a technology guru OR a sports enthusiasts OR a great singer... but when I have let myself peck on the keyboard and "surf the net" I was given the opportunity to write for others to read - hopefully to positively inspire them to love themselves as the great and beautiful individual they are. As far sports goes, I played hostess and delivered pretty trays of food during TV time. That service allowed me to see what great fun everyone was having. In return I sat down and watch the game in a tense yet excitable way. So, for that singing thing... Well let's just say, I am soooo thankful that babies and pets love our sound versus how many records we sold...I can, however sing some pretty good lullabies! :)
Don't change for others (In fact, you can NOT change for others,) You can "play" the part but you will be living a life of turmoil within and eventually you will expose the true you. Do not let PEERS make you feel insignificant. See them for WHO they are and mind you... that is NOT a peer but rather a bully or peer PRESSURE. We all can use a cheerleader, don't get me wrong. To encourage reaching for the stars, setting our goals one extra notch higher or loving us enough to express concern for our choices BUT that is far different than peer pressure. Don't get the two confused. Pressure, leads to traveling the journey of life on a far different course. Trust your gut instincts and follow them. Pray about decisions before making them and choose wisely because each action produces a reaction.
Loving YOURSELF, allows you to fully GIVE yourself to another. Love is the greatest of gifts.
Unwrap today's present with a smile each time you look in the mirror.
Be...Simply YOU-
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Friday, January 16, 2015
T- Thankfulness
G- Giving
I- Inspiration
F- Forward
I trust most of you have seen the letters, TGIF, which usually would stand for people's elation that it is Friday... The last day of the week, the work is over from punching a time clock and the fun filled weekend is about to start. "It's 5:00 o'clock somewhere" attitude, right?
Just in case you have forgotten about the laws that changes many moons ago where the work week was no longer just Monday through Friday, I shall brief you on it. It became a Saturday ideal which then crept into our Sunday being fair game to serve the public for their worldly desires of convenience instead of savoring that day for rest, family and above all, serving God. (but this will be another topic- so stay tuned) In doing so, those letters, TGIF may no longer be fitting for all to use on Fridays. I know that nurses work weekends, and waitress' work weekends and so does cashiers for grocery stores, department stores and more. So how did the acronym become such a cool thing to repeat? Even a food chain is named this. What about all the other days of the week? We really need to thank God for them all.
So I came up with my own version and I hope that it allows us to think a little deeper than Friday and use it to be our daily dose of happy...each and every morning- fill your heart with TGIF.
THANKFULNESS is more than just the feeling of excitement and happiness when what we get wrapped up in a pretty box is something we have wanted. To be truly thankful, is to see each and every step of our way in gratitude that is far deeper of an emotion than a surface smile. Thankfulness comes from understanding that even the curves in the road of our journey in life has a purpose... Missing the bus gives us time for that extra hug we give our child before we rush to work and they have their long day of learning.. Spilling the coffee on our outfit and having to change serves an unforeseen purpose that was meant for us to be delayed.. traffic jam, accident, maybe that we forgot to turn off an appliance, or should the phone ring and we needed to hear that caller. Thankfulness grows humility. Humility- we all need and strive for in becoming the best we can be. Be THANKFUL for the ups and the downs for it all has a purpose into making us what and who we are.
GIVING comes from the heart. At least it should. If you give from within yourself, the rewards are plenty. Remember the rules "you give to give not to receive?... what is funny, is the giving to others allows us to receive! Receive that joy of highlighting someone's heart and brightening their day which in return floods our lives with the sun's rays also! It can be a muffin, a pillow you made, a surprise visit by their office or even a special cup of latte... it is not about the amount of money spent. It is about the amount of TIME spent. Great things come in small packages and the gift of time comes in any size!
INSPIRATION is like a cheerleader. What inspires you? What motivates you to being all that you can be? Could it be a blog post, a billboard along the road, a message written on a chalkboard, or possibly the sermon from last Sunday? Our inspirations come daily. From the mouths of a friend, the service from a waitress and that of a child who innocently stares in your eyes with 100% of trust that you will love them and do them no harm. Inspiration comes from YOUR ACTIONS as well as WORDS. What inspires you? What you DO can INSPIRE others.
FORWARD, meaning the future. Live for Today, for it is our GIFT. A gift of life given to us, for yet another day to have time to spread the good news of our purpose. Our purpose of being the best we can be. Employee, Mom, Friend, Servant for the Lord, Spouse, etc. Learn from Yesterday for it is our past, we can not change it, we can not fret on it and we can not live in it. What we can do it learn from it. Plan for the future by Paying it FORWARD. Paying it FORWARD with love offerings to others. Such as a visit to a nursing home to drop off flowers to a resident whom you do not know. Giving some of your time to serving at the local soup kitchen or perhaps saying YES to the volunteer sheet at school or church. Paying it FORWARD does not have to be with money. In fact, I believe that you will find a greater reward by spending your TIME versus spending your money when it comes to this. Most of us, can gratefully say, that we can toss a penny in a wishing well and not "need" that 1 cent. BUT... I ask you now... A Penny for your thoughts, what will YOU do for another in the future?
Today is a new day! Rejoice - Dance - and Be HAPPY!! TGIF lives within us all... be sure to open these gifts and spread the news.
Peace and Joy be with you, today and always
T- Thankfulness
G- Giving
I- Inspiration
F- Forward
I trust most of you have seen the letters, TGIF, which usually would stand for people's elation that it is Friday... The last day of the week, the work is over from punching a time clock and the fun filled weekend is about to start. "It's 5:00 o'clock somewhere" attitude, right?
Just in case you have forgotten about the laws that changes many moons ago where the work week was no longer just Monday through Friday, I shall brief you on it. It became a Saturday ideal which then crept into our Sunday being fair game to serve the public for their worldly desires of convenience instead of savoring that day for rest, family and above all, serving God. (but this will be another topic- so stay tuned) In doing so, those letters, TGIF may no longer be fitting for all to use on Fridays. I know that nurses work weekends, and waitress' work weekends and so does cashiers for grocery stores, department stores and more. So how did the acronym become such a cool thing to repeat? Even a food chain is named this. What about all the other days of the week? We really need to thank God for them all.
So I came up with my own version and I hope that it allows us to think a little deeper than Friday and use it to be our daily dose of happy...each and every morning- fill your heart with TGIF.
THANKFULNESS is more than just the feeling of excitement and happiness when what we get wrapped up in a pretty box is something we have wanted. To be truly thankful, is to see each and every step of our way in gratitude that is far deeper of an emotion than a surface smile. Thankfulness comes from understanding that even the curves in the road of our journey in life has a purpose... Missing the bus gives us time for that extra hug we give our child before we rush to work and they have their long day of learning.. Spilling the coffee on our outfit and having to change serves an unforeseen purpose that was meant for us to be delayed.. traffic jam, accident, maybe that we forgot to turn off an appliance, or should the phone ring and we needed to hear that caller. Thankfulness grows humility. Humility- we all need and strive for in becoming the best we can be. Be THANKFUL for the ups and the downs for it all has a purpose into making us what and who we are.
GIVING comes from the heart. At least it should. If you give from within yourself, the rewards are plenty. Remember the rules "you give to give not to receive?... what is funny, is the giving to others allows us to receive! Receive that joy of highlighting someone's heart and brightening their day which in return floods our lives with the sun's rays also! It can be a muffin, a pillow you made, a surprise visit by their office or even a special cup of latte... it is not about the amount of money spent. It is about the amount of TIME spent. Great things come in small packages and the gift of time comes in any size!
INSPIRATION is like a cheerleader. What inspires you? What motivates you to being all that you can be? Could it be a blog post, a billboard along the road, a message written on a chalkboard, or possibly the sermon from last Sunday? Our inspirations come daily. From the mouths of a friend, the service from a waitress and that of a child who innocently stares in your eyes with 100% of trust that you will love them and do them no harm. Inspiration comes from YOUR ACTIONS as well as WORDS. What inspires you? What you DO can INSPIRE others.
FORWARD, meaning the future. Live for Today, for it is our GIFT. A gift of life given to us, for yet another day to have time to spread the good news of our purpose. Our purpose of being the best we can be. Employee, Mom, Friend, Servant for the Lord, Spouse, etc. Learn from Yesterday for it is our past, we can not change it, we can not fret on it and we can not live in it. What we can do it learn from it. Plan for the future by Paying it FORWARD. Paying it FORWARD with love offerings to others. Such as a visit to a nursing home to drop off flowers to a resident whom you do not know. Giving some of your time to serving at the local soup kitchen or perhaps saying YES to the volunteer sheet at school or church. Paying it FORWARD does not have to be with money. In fact, I believe that you will find a greater reward by spending your TIME versus spending your money when it comes to this. Most of us, can gratefully say, that we can toss a penny in a wishing well and not "need" that 1 cent. BUT... I ask you now... A Penny for your thoughts, what will YOU do for another in the future?
Today is a new day! Rejoice - Dance - and Be HAPPY!! TGIF lives within us all... be sure to open these gifts and spread the news.
Peace and Joy be with you, today and always
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Is it Wednesday already?
What have you done with your time so far in 2015?
Have you seen it as "day in and day out", "same day different year"," just movin' along", or perhaps not being able to grasp the thought that 14 days have already past! Are you are still working on that infamous New Year's resolution plan??? Let's put a halt to all of that right now and make it REAL change. Don't get me wrong, a "resolution" is alright (I guess) as long as you put your whole heart in it. Statistically, fitness centers load up with people in the beginning of the year with all these plans of loosing weight and within weeks the attendance drops and the members fade away. People set goals so high thinking they can master the list within a year (or less) and find themselves not able to achieve and dwindle away from their process it takes to getting there in the first place... viewing themselves feeling as a failure instead seeing what they DID accomplish. Let us forge onward with the Power of Positive Thinking to lead us.
Consider taking time each day to be about learning in 2015. Learning about yourself. The more we know, the more we grow...both inside and out. Not only is this great for us but all those whom we meet. Did you realize that HOW we interact with others sends ripples of effects around and around and around? How we interact begins with how we FEEL...how we feel ABOUT ourselves...how we FEED our soul,.. and WHERE we learn from. Do you have the greatest of teachers??
I truly believe if you:
1. open your eyes to seeing all those small victories in life,
2. center your goals on simplicity and
3. have your heart in the right place at all times...Then grand things will take place in you, through you and because of you.
Rejoice in knowing that YOU MATTER! Being a stay at home mommy or a leader of a great company, YOU matter. Being a fruit farmer or a fashion designer, YOU matter. Being an elderly person whose life may be nearing the end or a brand new infant whose life has just begun...YOU matter. Never feel any less because you didn't reach some goal and Never feel to great that you don't need a goal. For we all need to strive to be our very best in all things, in all ways and... always. So let a ripple flow through you to help with the wave of positive thinking and shed yourself of negativity that may shadow your journey.
Make 2015 the Best of YOU....by being: Simply You.
Have you seen it as "day in and day out", "same day different year"," just movin' along", or perhaps not being able to grasp the thought that 14 days have already past! Are you are still working on that infamous New Year's resolution plan??? Let's put a halt to all of that right now and make it REAL change. Don't get me wrong, a "resolution" is alright (I guess) as long as you put your whole heart in it. Statistically, fitness centers load up with people in the beginning of the year with all these plans of loosing weight and within weeks the attendance drops and the members fade away. People set goals so high thinking they can master the list within a year (or less) and find themselves not able to achieve and dwindle away from their process it takes to getting there in the first place... viewing themselves feeling as a failure instead seeing what they DID accomplish. Let us forge onward with the Power of Positive Thinking to lead us.
Consider taking time each day to be about learning in 2015. Learning about yourself. The more we know, the more we grow...both inside and out. Not only is this great for us but all those whom we meet. Did you realize that HOW we interact with others sends ripples of effects around and around and around? How we interact begins with how we FEEL...how we feel ABOUT ourselves...how we FEED our soul,.. and WHERE we learn from. Do you have the greatest of teachers??
I truly believe if you:
1. open your eyes to seeing all those small victories in life,
2. center your goals on simplicity and
3. have your heart in the right place at all times...Then grand things will take place in you, through you and because of you.
Rejoice in knowing that YOU MATTER! Being a stay at home mommy or a leader of a great company, YOU matter. Being a fruit farmer or a fashion designer, YOU matter. Being an elderly person whose life may be nearing the end or a brand new infant whose life has just begun...YOU matter. Never feel any less because you didn't reach some goal and Never feel to great that you don't need a goal. For we all need to strive to be our very best in all things, in all ways and... always. So let a ripple flow through you to help with the wave of positive thinking and shed yourself of negativity that may shadow your journey.
Make 2015 the Best of YOU....by being: Simply You.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Happy New Year, Day 5
So after taking a long winters nap "z z z" (not really<--- who has time for that!) I am starting 2015 fresh and new. Actually the past few weeks has been enjoyable, rewarding and most of all relaxing. While rejoicing with family, mixing in friends and tossing in some good ole fashion days of wearing only pj's... I can say that 2014 ended with peace and happiness. I can only hope that the same was for all of you.
Now back to that "nap" thing. YES.. you do need to take the TIME for it.. We all have the same 24 hours, yet it is about TIME MANAGEMENT that allows for us to take care of ourselves as well as the needs of the day, the TO DO list, if you will and all those "hundreds" of other things that we must do. But I once heard the advice of "naps are essential" and OH how true that is. A power nap can make the world of difference. In attitude, GRATITUDE and overall feeling of inner strength. We tend to work and work and work. Whether that be a paid job outside of the home, a virtual job in the home or the task of parenting and stay at home "16 hour" job!
So take the time to UNPLUG, SIGN OFF and RELAX. 15 min of your mind being mindless allows you to focus more on calm that will shed the light to a new you.
Happy Days are among you, open this GIFT of the" present" that we are blessed to have today and say, Thanks Be To You.
Blessings of joy,
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